How to Store A Mattress Topper – Simple Guide


Mattress toppers are a great investment to improve comfort in bed and provide extra cushioning and support for a more restful night’s sleep. But what happens when it’s time to store your mattress topper? Whether you’re moving house, switching to a different topper, or simply need to store it for a while, it’s important to know how to store your mattress topper properly to ensure it stays in good condition. Proper storage is essential to keep mattress toppers clean, fresh, and in good condition for their next use. In this article, we’ll provide tips and guidance on how to store a mattress topper to keep it clean, hygienic, and ready for use when you need it.

how to store a mattress topper

What You’ll Need – Equipment and Tools

Before you begin storing your mattress topper, there are a few essential items you will need to ensure it is properly protected. You will need:

A cloth or paper towel

Cleaning agent 1

If you are using vinegar, mix it with water at a 50/50 ratio. For example, if you want to use 1 cup of vinegar, add 2 cups of water.

spray bottle with cleaning agent on top of a mattress topper

Cleaning agent 2

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide, liquid dish soap, and water in a spray bottle and spray the mix on the stains.

Bristle brush or vacuum cleaner attachment

Storage bag

You will need a large, clean storage bag that is made of breathable material to prevent moisture buildup.

Clean the Mattress Topper

Remove all the bedding

Start by taking off any bedding that’s on the mattress. Locate the four corners of the topper and lift it off the mattress. It’s important to lift evenly from each corner.

Vacuum It

Once you’ve removed the bedding, it’s time to clean your mattress topper. Start by vacuuming it with an upholstery attachment such as a soft brush bristle attachment. Vacuum the topper in a back-and-forth motion to ensure that all dust and debris are removed.

a vacuum cleaner next to a mattress topper

Remove the Stains

If there are any stains on your mattress topper, use a stain remover spray. Use a spray bottle that includes one of the cleaning agents described earlier and spray onto the stains. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes, then blot the area dry with a dry towel.

Please note that vinegar can be used on both sides of the mattress topper but should not be left on for more than 30 minutes before wiping off with a damp cloth. In addition, do not allow any excess liquid (including excess moisture) to soak into your fabric as it may cause stains when dried later on in storage, or used again after cleaning has been completed.

Treat the Odor

If the mattress topper has an odor, it’s important to address it before using or storing it. The odor may be caused by sweat, body oils, or other organic matter that has accumulated over time. To treat the odor, start by vacuuming the topper thoroughly to remove any loose debris or dust.

Next, spot-clean any visible stains or spills with a fabric-friendly cleaner and allow it to air dry completely. Then, sprinkle baking soda over the topper and leave it on for several hours or overnight to absorb any lingering odors. Vacuum the topper again to remove the baking soda. For persistent odors, you may need to repeat this process or use a specialized odor eliminator spray or enzyme cleaner to fully remove the odor. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any cleaning products used on your mattress topper.

Air Dry It

Finally, air dry in a well-ventilated area for about 24 hours before putting back on top of your bed or storing away until the next use!

If you have a mattress topper with a cover, wash it in warm water. Air dry the cover for at least 24 hours before putting back on top of your bed or storing away until the next use!

Roll the Mattress Topper

The first step to storing your mattress topper is to roll it up. This will help keep the layers of foam from shifting around in the bag, which could cause them to wear down over time.

Rolling a mattress topper is easy, but you need to make sure that you’re doing it right so that your topper doesn’t get damaged or lumpy over time. Here are some tips for rolling up latex and memory foam mattresses:

Roll tightly enough so that your fingers can’t fit between each layer of foam when they’re rolled up together–but not so tightly that air isn’t able to flow through them as they sit in storage. If there’s no airflow, mold will grow on top of (or inside) your mattress and this could ruin its quality when removed later on!

Can You Roll Up Your Mattress Topper?

Yes, you can roll up your mattress topper for storage or transportation purposes, but it’s important to do so carefully to avoid damaging the foam or fibers. Rolling the topper too tightly or leaving it rolled up for extended periods can cause permanent creases and damage to the topper’s material. To roll up your topper, lay it flat on a clean surface and gently roll it from one end to the other, ensuring that it’s rolled evenly and not too tightly. Secure the roll with straps or ties and store it in a breathable storage bag or vacuum seal bag. It’s also important to unroll the topper and allow it to fully expand before using it again.

How to Roll Up a Latex Mattress Topper, Is it Different?

Rolling up a latex mattress topper requires a slightly different technique than rolling up a foam or fiberfill topper. Latex toppers are generally thicker and more rigid than other types of toppers, so it’s important to be extra careful to avoid damaging the material. To roll up a latex topper, start by folding it in half lengthwise, then gently roll it from one end to the other, keeping the fold at the bottom of the roll. If your topper is particularly thick or heavy, you may need to ask for assistance to roll it up properly. Once the topper is rolled, secure it with straps or ties and store it in a breathable storage bag or vacuum seal bag. When unrolling the topper, be sure to do so slowly and carefully, as latex can take some time to fully expand to its original shape.

Keep in mind that memory foam tends not to be as flexible as other types of materials used in making these products; if possible try using two people instead one person doing all the work themselves because it may be difficult otherwise, especially if there’s any weight involved like say heavy blankets underneath them etcetera…

Put it in a Storage Bag

Consider using a mattress topper storage bag. These bags are designed to fit your mattress topper and keep it clean while in storage. Make sure the storage bag is large enough to fit your specific model of mattress topper, as well as any other items that might be stored with it (like pillows).

Use strong, breathable fabric for the outer layer of your bag. This will help prevent mildew from forming on your bedding during long periods of non-use, which could damage both your bedding and its contents when removed from storage later on down the line.

Double-check that all zippers work properly before sealing up any vacuum-packed bags full of air; otherwise, you may find yourself stuck with no way out once everything’s been sealed off inside!

Store in a Climate-Controlled Environment

To ensure your mattress topper’s longevity, you must store it in a climate-controlled environment. This will help prevent mold and mildew from forming on the material, which could cause damage to the fibers of your topper.

The best place for storing your mattress is a dry place that has low humidity levels. Avoid storing in direct sunlight and also avoid storing in damp places or areas with high humidity (like basements).


When you are on the move (such as mattress toppers for dorm), it is important to protect your investment. With the right tools and a little patience, you can easily store your mattress topper. Follow these simple steps and make sure that your topper is protected from dust and other contaminants during storage.

FAQ: How to Store A Mattress Topper

Should I wash my mattress topper before storing it?

It is generally a good idea to wash your mattress topper before storing it to remove any dirt, stains, or odors. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to clean your topper and allow it to dry completely before storing it.

How should I fold my mattress topper for storage?

It’s best not to fold your mattress topper, as this can cause creases and damage to the material. Instead, roll the topper tightly from one end to the other, and secure it with straps or ties to keep it in place.

How often should I air out my stored mattress topper?

It’s a good idea to air out your mattress topper at least once every six months to prevent any musty smells or moisture buildup. Simply unroll the topper and allow it to air out in a well-ventilated area for a few hours before returning it to storage.

Can I store my mattress topper in a plastic bag?

It is not recommended to store your mattress topper in a plastic bag, as this can trap moisture and cause mold or mildew growth. Instead, use a breathable storage bag or vacuum seal bag that allows air to circulate.

How should I store my mattress topper if I don’t have much space?

If you’re short on storage space, consider using a vacuum seal bag to compress the topper and save space. However, be sure to remove the topper from the bag and allow it to fully expand before using it again.

How often should I replace my mattress topper?

The lifespan of a mattress topper depends on its material and usage. On average, a good quality topper can last between 2-5 years with proper care and maintenance. If your topper is showing signs of wear and tear, it may be time to replace it. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other similar affiliate advertising programs which are designed to provide a means for us to earn advertising fees by linking to such affiliates’ websites such as Pages on this site may include affiliate links to Amazon and its affiliate sites on which the owner of this website will make a referral commission.